
November 16, 2005
Dear God, is this thing still here?

An all-new Introduction is up, the stylesheet is updated to look a little classier, and... that's about it. Hi.

February 21, 2002
Posted Book Five: Above and Beyond.

January 30, 2002
Posted two more outtakes. They just keep proliferating, I tells ya.

August 6, 2001
We now have an Outtakes section. Because there are a freaking lot of them. Also posted two new and beeyootiful pictures by Ivy. Yay.

June 27, 2001
Posted the Introduction. Hee.

June 26, 2001
VICTORY! The entire epic is now online, barring Chapter 54 (still unfinished, but being worked on), and the Introduction will be here shortly. Tell your friends. And sign the guestbook, 'kay?

June 10, 2001
Caron has finally moved into its new home at frenchboys.net, with an even tidier design and all new Authors' Notes and such.

Things that are not up yet: the Introduction, Chapter 54, and Books Three and Four. Oh, and "Gay Paris". All but Chapter 54 should be posted soon, and if you're really desperate to know what happened to Jeanne and Paulin you can request the beginning and end from Manon (the middle isn't written yet).

Check back soon.

Table of Contents